This concept is not for sale. It’s been given by the founders Monique and Arjan to Joyce Meyer ministries. JMM will be the owner of MPS. The application of becoming a partner with MPS is being evaluated and decided by the board of integrity.
MPS partners will be drawn to this Source like a magnet. They can ask to become a partner of MPS. This vision is in alignment with James:2-3; ‘You have not because you ask not’.
The partner will respond to 2 Corinthians 9;6-8. If the new partner is accepted by the board of integrity the partner can promote MPS in his ministry / network to increase his ministry, help people in need, animals or the planet. The purpose of MPS is to sow and reap and to bear fruit all over the world.
Any form of abuse of MPS will not be tolerated.
The board of integrity has the right to remove any partner or member who is abusing the concept of MPS in any way. Anyone who is involved with MPS has a responsibility to keep MPS pure. Anyone who suspects that MPS is being abused can report this to JMM/the board of Integrity. If MPS is being abused the Source is being taken away from the ministry/company/foundation. All the members who bought a membership with this partner are being placed under JMM. We believe and hope this is not going to happen. If this happens every individual who doesn’t want to support JMM is free to choose another partner working with MPS.
JMM is allowed to make changes in the design and text but not in the structure of The Source itself since this is an anointed creation. Changes are made only by the founders and Joyce Meyer herself or our successors
The content and addresses and information in our database is not for sale.
We don’t allow advertisements. That’s why we use subscriptions of members.
The Source always needs to be protected and cared for by servants of Jesus Christ.