Hi there! It’s so good to meet you on My Personal Source. I want to welcome you and introduce myself and tell you about how My Personal Source was created.
My name is Monique van ’t Zelfde, born in Rotterdam, 1969. I am a mom of Elisa (2003) and wife of Vincent. I also have a sponsor daughter Benedicte in Ghana who was born on the exact same birthday and year as my daughter Elisa! I was born and raised in The Netherlands in a loving family with normal family blessings and challenges. As a child I wondered if God was real? My mom would say: “If you believe it, then so it is”. What a great answer from a woman who doesn’t know Jesus!
“Please God, give me a unique idea
so I can bear fruit all over the world”
The idea
During the pandemic in 2020, I followed an online course for Christian women called Powervrouwen www.vrouwen-met-power.nl . They guide you through their program to live God’s purpose. To have a business with God behind the steering wheel. They kept talking about bearing fruit for God’s Kingdom. I ended this course with only one wish. Reaching out to people who don’t know Jesus and help people in need.
I started to pray and pray for weeks: “Please God, give me a unique idea so I can bear fruit all over the world”. I prayed with an intensity that could move me to tears. I was enormously force driven. God would wake me up at night and I would read, worship and pray and God came through and gave me the idea for My Personal Source. The name is a reference to my Source, Jesus Christ.
Joyce Meyer Ministries
I have learned by watching daily the teachings of Joyce Meyer for years and a process of growth and tests have taken place within me. I had to break with being critical and negative and switch my mind to be thankful and trust God no matter what. I noticed I started to really enjoy and love my life and I grew closer and closer to God. In my spirit I got a very strong desire to thank Joyce Meyer for all her teachings and her work helping the poor. I see her as my mom of faith. I have learned and changed so much from her practical teachings and live this in my daily life. When I was done creating My Personal Source, I decided to give it away as a gift to Joyce Meyer Ministries to thank her for what she has meant to me and all she has done for helping millions of people in need. This Source will give an increase for any ministry/company/foundation in the world who’s passion it is to do good in any shape or form.
Together we can create a movement of Love and Hope.